brett j. doar "the world's most perfectly developed man." |
born in 1923 to a Louisiana Sharecropper and Voodoo High-priestess, Brett J. Doar left home at the tender age of 16 to ride the rails. Possessed of a lifelong disdain for Book-Larnin, he preferred to get his education from the Highways and Byways of America. After a particularly nasty crowning with a barstool during a brawl in a Coer D'alene tavern, the ghost of William T. Sherman came to him in a vision, and taught him the fitness techniques that would later transform him into THE WORLD'S MOST PERFECTLY DEVELOPED MAN. After winning
a 1916 Buick LeSabre in a poker game, Mr. Doar made his way to Alaska
where he worked first as a lumberjack, and then as a fisherman, eventually
helming his own fishing boat. In the Bering Sea his ship was captured
by Thai pirates who killed his crew but kept him alive in a misguided
ransom scheme. THE WORLD'S MOST PERFECTLY DEVELOPED MAN to unify the
other oppressed monkeys on the island against the hated Pirates. Under
cover of a moonless night, an army of 6000 primates descended upon the
ruthless, bloodthirsty Pirates, catching them by complete surprise and
overwhelming them. Mr. Doar then organized the Monkeys into a crack fighting
team, reclaimed his fishing boat as well as the Thai Pirates state
of the art, High-Speed Interceptor, and for the next ten years patrolled
the Indian Ocean, fighting crime with his ragtag Monkey fighting unit.